
2012-01-15 - 常時英心:言葉の森から

go to one´s head


She and her handsome husband Prince Philip attracted crowds in the hundrds of thousands, but the royal couple refused to let their celebrity go to their heads.

go to one's headは成功や名誉などで人を「慢心させる」という意味です(『ジーニアス英和辞典』第4版 大修館書店)。権力の象徴である「冠」はかぶるものなので,成功や名誉は頭に結びつくものだと考えられます。この表現の面白いところが,酒などが人を「酔わせる」という意味もあることです。ここから「慢心」なんていうのは,ただ何かに酔ってるだけだという皮肉なニュアンスが感じられます。(Sugiuchi)



Ueno Zoo's pandas to get new digs

The Yomiuri Shimbun

The panda facility at Tokyo's Ueno Zoo will be shifted and enlarged for the first time in about 25 years due to the huge popularity of two giant pandas that arrived last spring, and in preparation for the possible birth of cubs, The Yomiuri Shimbun has learned.

Lines of visitors waiting to catch a glimpse of the pandas--a male named Ri Ri and a female named Shin Shin--have at times blocked the zoo's entrance.

The 1,200-square-meter facility, which was constructed in 1988, is a stone's throw from the main gate, but will be relocated farther inside the zoo.


『オーレックス英和辞典』(旺文社)によると,dig は名詞で「一突き,突き,小突き・いやみ・皮肉,(遺跡の)発掘,一堀り,掘ること・[〜s](一時的な)住まい;住居」とありました。記事の内容から「住居」が適切なのではないでしょうか。

また記事の中にあるstone's throwも気になったので辞書『オーレックス英和辞典』(同上)で確認してみると,「石を投げれば届く距離,至近距離」とありました。言葉だけで簡単にその距離を想像することが出来き,面白い表現ですね。(ゼミ生 yori-money)


本日(15日付)のDYの記事JAPAN SINCE THE QUAKEにあった英語から考えます。GP先輩の記事とも関連しています。

Emiko Yamashita, 51, a housewife in Saitama City, learned about ending notebooks when she attended a seminar on dying peacefully organized by a nonprofit organization last autumn.

Unlike a legal will that specifies things such as how to distribute the property of the deceased to family members, these notebooks are more like diaries or memoirs, with sections to write down feelings, their ideal nursing care situation in the final stage of life and people whom they would like to have informed when they die.


大学生が行う「就活」,年配者または「もしも」に備えた方が行う「終活」。就活はjob huntingと訳せますが,終活はどうでしょうか。final life activityなどになるのでしょうか。英訳は色々にあるかと思います。

震災が発生してから命や生死について考える人が多くなったと思います。終活もその一つと言えるでしょう。(ゼミ生 Shohei)

a candid approach

必ず訪れる人生の終わりに向けて,写真や日記などを残す活動が静かなブームとなっています。以下,DY(01/15/12付)の記事"Preparing for death while still healthy"から英語表現を拾います。

Experts say that behind the recent rise in popularity of the these activities that take a candid approach to death is the emotional impact of the March 11 Great East Japan Earthquake, in addition to uncertainty over the future, including life after retirement.

今回の表現はa candid approachです。candidは「(聞き手に不快にならないほど)率直な,遠慮のない,包み隠しのない」,「(写真などで)ポーズをとらない,気取らない」などの意味があります(『ジーニアス英和辞典』第4版,大修館書店)。直訳すると「死に対する素直なアプローチ」となりますが,ここでは「あるがままにしっかり死と向き合う方法」などと解釈することができるかと思います。(GP)

unaccounted for~

砂州に乗り上げて転覆したイタリアの客船は現代のタイタニック事故と揶揄されています。account forの反意の表現、unaccounted for~はどのような意味でしょうか。Lbow-Shoulderくん、どうぞ。(GP)

Porto Santo Stefano, Italy (CNN) -- Rescuers reached two trapped honeymooners in the interior of a cruise ship more than 24 hours after it ran aground off a picturesque Italian island, killing three people, injuring 20 and leaving dozens unaccounted for. The South Korean passengers, each 29, heard searchers calling out on the Costa Concordia, Italy's ANSA news agency reported early Sunday. They were located in a cabin and taken ashore. Video showed them being taken to a waiting ambulance.

The captain of the ill-fated vessel, which turned over on its side after the grounding, was arrested late Saturday and was being investigated for abandoning ship and manslaughter, a local prosecutor said. With perhaps up to 50 people unaccounted for, divers suspended their efforts at dark, with plans to resume the search in the azure waters off the island of Giglio at dawn Sunday. Accounts of the chaos from many of the 3,200 passengers were reminiscent of a maritime disaster 100 years ago this April -- the loss of the RMS Titanic.

"For me, the worst part of the whole ordeal" was when a lifeboat crew member told those boarding that it was "women and children first," said passenger Benji Smith of Boston.

"All these families who were clinging to each other had to be separated," Smith told CNN. Some passengers fell into the chilly waters during the rescue, ANSA reported.

Questions abounded: Why was the colossal ship so close to the shore? How fast was it moving? How well did the crew respond? According to many passengers, the evacuation was disorganized and no one seemed in charge.

"Every crew member who walked past shouted instructions, but the instructions contradicted each other," Smith said.

Concordia's captain, Francesco Schettino, was interviewed earlier Saturday about what happened when the ship struck rocks in shallow water off Italy's western coast Friday evening, said officer Emilio Del Santo of the Coastal Authorities of Livorno. Local fishermen say the island coast of Giglio is known for its rocky sea floor.

Schettino said "that rock was not indicated on the chart," according to ANSA. "Me and the crew, we were the last to abandon ship," he said.

The ship was 2.5 miles off route when it struck the rocky sandbar.



Comaneci mourns father's death

BUCHAREST — Gymnastics great Nadia Comaneci arrived in Romania on Friday to arrange the funeral of her father, Gheorghe Comaneci.

She confirmed his death in a statement on Thursday, when her 76-year-old father died of liver problems at Bucharest's University Hospital. He had been hospitalized since Dec. 26, when doctors said Gheorghe was suffering from cirrhosis.


1840s, coined in Mod.L. by French physician René-Théophile-Hyacinthe Laennec (1781-1826) with -osis and Gk. kirrhos "tawny," of unknown origin. So called for the orange-yellow appearance of the diseased liver.(


重松清作品がどう映像化されるかワクワクしていましたが、NHK土曜 ドラマスペシャル「とんび」(前編・後編)に号泣。



なお、原作は「とんびが鷹を生んだ」ということわざからでしょう。英語で近いものを探すと、A black hen lays a white egg. /Black cows give white milk. /Out of a white egg often comes a black chick.あたりでしょう。(UG)

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